Blackjack is a game of skill that requires you to learn how to make the right decisions. This can lead to you winning more hands than you lose and beating the house edge, which is a major goal for many players. It is important to know when you should hit on your blackjack hand, and when it is a better idea to stand. Here are some tips to help you with this.

One of the best times to hit on blackjack is when you have a hard total of 11 or less. It is very unlikely that you will bust with this hand, and there is a chance that the dealer will have a poor card. In this case, it is usually worth taking another card in order to improve your odds of winning.

It is also a good time to hit when you have a soft total of 16 or more. This is because it is more likely that you will be able to make 21 with this hand, and it will be difficult for the dealer to beat you with a weaker hand. It is also a good idea to hit on pairs of eights, as they are the only hand that can not be busted by a single dealer card.

You should also hit on a soft 17 against the dealer’s ace, 10 or face card. This is because it is more likely that the dealer will have a bad card, and you can get closer to 21 with a single hit. However, it is important to remember that if you hit on a soft 17 and you go bust, then you will lose your bet for the round.

It is important to double down on blackjack when you have a strong hand, such as an 11 or 12, against the dealer’s up-card. This will give you a much better chance of winning by adding a blackjack to your hand. However, it is also important to understand that doubling down on blackjack when you are too close to 21 will increase your chances of busting and losing your bet.

If you have a strong hand, such as a 11, you should double down when the dealer shows an ace or 10. This is because it will give you a great chance of hitting blackjack, or at least getting very close to 21, and this will reduce the house edge.

It is also a good idea to double down on a pair of 8s against the dealer’s 10, and to hit on any other hand that is less than 13. However, it is important to remember that your decision should always be made based on the strength of the dealer’s up-card. You should never double down on a pair of 5s against the dealer’s 2 or 3, and you should stand on any hand that is over 13. Ultimately, only by learning when to hit and when to stand will you be able to win more often than you lose.